It’s easy to get lost in someday. Someday, I’ll be fitter. Someday, I’ll write that book. Someday, I’ll be doing work that actually matters.
Bigger goals are great. But they can also trick you into thinking that what you’re doing now is just a means to an end. That this part—the unglamorous, in-between stage—is just something to get through.
It’s not.
The work you’re doing right now matters. Even if it feels small. Even if it’s not where you ultimately want to be. Every skill, every habit, every challenge is shaping you. The effort isn’t wasted. The time isn’t wasted.
If you only push yourself because you’re trying to get somewhere else, you’ll always be chasing the next thing. But if you push yourself because the work itself matters, because you want to be the kind of person who does things well—then you’ll keep going. Not just until you get there, but because this is who you are.
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