This question by our trek leader, hit us hard leaving us speechless. Thankfully, Tushar Uncle helped us grasp its depth, but it still lingered in my mind. Simplifying it, I wonder: How can we live happier and more fulfilling lives?
Following our passions has been my motto since childhood. I’ve made conscious choices like leaving secure but unfulfilling jobs during tough times, taking on demanding roles with less pay, and quitting a high-paying but soul-draining job when I needed cash. This mindset became second nature to me, shaping my journey.
Amidst and after the challenges of the pandemic, I picked up new hobbies like gardening, cooking, and solo travel, adding richness to my life. Trying out different things proved beneficial, just like in investments.
Whether trying out a new hobby or taking big career leaps, the excitement of pursuing passions is undeniable. Life can be like a rollercoaster, with its ups and downs, but embracing its unpredictability adds thrill.
I’ve often avoided challenges due to fear or discomfort, but looking back, and pushing through brought out a better version of myself. As our trek leader once said, ‘Mountains first break you, then make you.’ This idea applies to overcoming challenges in life.
With the passing years, I’ve started practicing Gratitude in my everyday life. It acts like a superpower, turning ordinary days into something special. Appreciating simple joys, like a warm cup of tea or a good laugh, can lift your spirits.
In a world filled with digital noise, genuine human connections are precious. Engaging in heartfelt conversations or going on spontaneous adventures adds sparkle to life.
Let’s navigate life with a smile, embracing both joys and challenges. Happiness isn’t something we find at the end of the road but in the little moments every day. Here’s to living on the sunny side of life!
Loved this vasu .The best part of your writeups are how simply and so clearly you shared your thoughts ..Every passing day is making you more focused ,more settled and more calm with a clear vision about the life
Keep writing
Thanks maa.