Accepting the fact that our parents are growing old and will need care is a hard pill to swallow. My parents and grandparents have always been perfectly fit and healthy. Yes, I could see the signs of aging but I chose to overlook them.
I lost someone very close to me a few years ago. She couldn’t attend my wedding and really wanted to meet me and my husband. I would often tell her “I will come soon.. in a couple of months” and before I realized, months became years.
When I heard the news of her demise, I was shocked, devastated, numb, and overloaded with guilt. You know the kind of sorrow that punches your heart and strangles your throat in a way that it becomes impossible to talk or breathe? That kind. This is a scar that will never heal and will accompany me to my death-bed.
But this was also my wake-up call. You see, I have earned a reputation of not keeping in touch, not answering phone calls, not visiting my family enough. At her funerary ceremony, I took a closer look at my grieving family members. I was in constant denial of their aging, health, and abundance of time. This really scared me. I vowed to myself that from now I will make a conscious effort to spend time with them.
And touchwood, I did. I made impromptu plans to go home whenever I had a few days off and started calling them much more often. The giant smiles and happiness you see on their faces when you show up announced or call them out of the blue are just surreal. Why is it that as we grow, we forget all that our parents have done for us?
Coming to the realization that someone you love dearly may not be there one day is the most horrifying feeling in the world. The things we worry about now seem so trivial in the grand scheme of life. We often take the impact parents have in our lives for granted and this makes it that much harder when our roles are reversed. ⠀
It still hurts to lose her. But I am so glad that I had the privilege to spend some good quality time with her. Her heart-hugging love, unconditional support, and bright smile will forever influence my life for the better. And for that, I am grateful.
So, don’t wait, ditch the denial and make time for the special people in your life whom we should never forget, who have always been there for us, and will never forget us.
How nicely and honestly you accept your mistakes your weakness actually these habits makes you more strong and more pure. Great going my angel keep it up. Waiting for next.
Thank you for all your support. A very long way to go but I guess, I learned it from the best.
U have put ur finger on my sore spot..so true each word..my heart is weeping if it cud ,…reading ur words..i did the same with my nani..and i was so engrossed in my life that i did not realise..now its too late..God bless u..keep writing..so much depth in ur writings
Beautiful ♥️
Glad you liked it.
Ur blog touched d core of my heart.yes it’s high time we should start giving our dear ones d time,care n love they truly deserve instead of taking them for granted.
Thank you!! I really appreciate you reaching out.
Yes, often we are so busy growing up and living in our own bubble that we forget that our parents are aging too and they need our care and attention even more.