Ever noticed how people love to say “facts aren’t feelings”? It’s true, but here’s the kicker: other people’s feelings are facts to them. It’s ironic how some folks spend ages trying to argue others out of their feelings. Like, seriously, has that ever actually worked? Not really. Accepting how someone feels is the first step to finding common ground or just moving on.
I’ve learned that brushing off someone’s feelings doesn’t make them disappear. They’re there, real and valid. So why waste energy trying to argue them away? It’s like banging your head against a brick wall – painful and pointless. Instead, acknowledging those feelings opens up the door to understanding.
Think about it: when someone feels heard and understood, tensions ease up. It’s like a weight lifted off their shoulders. And it doesn’t mean you’re admitting defeat or agreeing with everything they say. It’s about showing empathy and respect.
Trust me, I used to be that person trying to logic my way out of every emotional conversation. Spoiler alert: it never ended well. It took a few messy arguments and some uncomfortable silences to realize that feelings aren’t always rational, but they’re always there.
Meeting someone where they are emotionally doesn’t mean you’re giving up your own stance. It’s about finding common ground without compromising your own values. And sometimes, it’s okay to agree to disagree and move forward.
So next time you find yourself in a heated discussion, take a step back. Instead of trying to debunk someone’s feelings, try listening. You might be surprised how much smoother things go when you acknowledge the facts of their emotions.
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